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Zsolt Kiss

PortrI teach Kung fu and Qigong, mostly for adults, besides, I teach the instructors of our association.
As a specialist writer of martial arts, I am the author of several martial art books and the editor inchief of the Online KUNG-FU Magazine.

I was born in 1970. In my childhood, I learned box and Taekwondo. I have been dealing with martial arts more seriously since the age of fourteen. Firstly, I learned Kyokushin Karate for five years, then I found Wing Chun.

First, I learned Ji Sin Weng Chun (Zoltán Czuczor was my instructor and Jeng Gwong’s two student, Lothar Hirneise and Klaus Pertl were our masters. From 1991, Walter Block taught the Hungarian group.)

After the death of our master, I learned Lok Yiu Wing Chun from Wilhelm Blech.

For a few years, I was the member of the Hungarian Lou Man Gam Wing Chun school and up to this day, I take part in Lou Man Gam’s seminars in Hungary.

At the same time, I have learned different barehand and armed techniques from different masters in private way and on seminars.

I teach Wing Chun from 1992 and from the middle of ’90s I teach Wu Taiji Wai Dan Qigong and different taoist Nei Dan Qigong exercises (for example Bone marrow Neigong, Central Channel exercise, Taoist intim and sexual energetic exercises).

I was the editor and editor in chief of the magazine „KUNG-FU and other martial arts”, currently I am the editor in chief of this magazine’s successor, „Online KUNG-FU Magazine”. Several of my writings about eastern martial arts and military history are published and are in press.

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